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Hoffman & Lamson Blowers
Hoffman & Lamson Blowers

Hoffman & Lamson centrifugal blowers
Hoffman & Lamson Blowers
Catalog : Environmental Solutions
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View : 307
Hoffman & Lamson centrifugal blowers
Product's detail :

Hoffman™ and Lamson™ brands of centrifugal blowers and exhausters are among the many compressed air and gas technologies manufactured by Gardner Denver Inc.

Part of the Nash Division, they are American originals. Hoffman™ and Lamson™ brands have been setting industry standards for excellence, reliability, and customer satisfaction for over 100 years. Lamson, established in 1880, and Hoffman, in 1905, are brands customers know and continue to trust.

The range of applications for Hoffman™ and Lamson™ centrifugal products is ever-expanding and is firmly illustrated with the largest installation base of centrifugal machines in operation worldwide. In the water treatment market, air is provided to water and wastewater aeration systems and air scouring/filter backwashing.

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